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Monthly Donation : $25.00 USD – monthly ~ One Time Donation: HERE
One Time Donation: HERE
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Time, Talent and Treasure

Dear Families, Friends and Supporters,
First, Happy New Year to you and yours!
Thank you so much for being a part of our community! Your donations, volunteer time and support has meant so much to us, there are hardly words to describe our feelings of humility and gratitude!

Please consider making a one-time gift to Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project or, (even better!) becoming one of our Farm Friends and donate monthly to help us continue to fulfill our mission.
Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project will continue to be a catalyst of positive change economically, nutritionally and in the quality of life in East Oakland!

To that end, we have created a year round program that teaches youth primarily and their families by extension the benefits of growing and eating organic produce as well as the benefits of physical activity.

Many of the youth that have been participating in our program have received individualized bank accounts opened for educational purposes in their name. In the spring of 2014 we will retain these youth and will continue to recruit more to take advantage of this dynamic program.

The funds being deposited into their accounts are generated from the sale of produce grown by the participants at both an on-farm farm stand located at our farm in Tassafaronga Park as well as a small but successful Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) (Video) venture where 8 pounds of produce are bagged and delivered to residents in and around Oakland.

Acta Non Verba delivered a package of homegrown vegetables to my door (at the end of a long day) — and you wouldn’t believe how good the whole house smells. Rosemary, basil, tomatoes my mom and her dad would brag about.” -Sharon C. CSA Customer

$500 will purchase heavy duty cloth tote bags for 25 CSA customers so we can do away with our current paper (and reused plastic) bags.

This year ANV held its first Spring Break Mini-Camp and it was an overwhelming success with over 35 participants for the week of March 25-29th. Most of those campers returned to our program during our second annual 8-week Summer Camp which hosted over 75 camp attendees’ full time (40 hours per week) from July 1st through August 23rd.
Acta Non Verba intends to expand and improve both of these strong programs with planning starting in January 2014. In addition, we have decided to extend our reach to all school breaks. In addition to OUSD’s spring and summer recesses, we will also offer programming during the holiday breaks late 2014.

“You can make anything that you want, you just have to have the effort and the supplies.” – Rahsan Age 10. (Video)

Just $320 pays for a child to attend ANV’s Summer Camp all 8 weeks!

ANV has also started a fitness challenge for a few of our parents (Video). We have partnered with the East Oakland Sports Center (EOSC) to provide free and low cost memberships to five moms and one father which started October 1st. We are in conversation currently regarding the expansion of this extremely popular program into 2014 and beyond.

“I love working out. Before, I would take the kids to school come home and lay back down and be lazy. Now, I drop them off, go straight to the gym and come home with energy. ” –Ms. Monique G. East Oakland resident

Just $297 pays for one of our parents’ gym membership at EOSC!

Field trips and tours to ANV @Tassafaronga have become more frequent in 2013, with elementary, middle, high schools and college students coming from as far away as Marin and Sacramento and as local as three blocks away. Acta Non Verba expects the number of these kinds of trips to increase from 2 per quarter to approximately one per month.

“This was one of the best field trips we have ever done for this learning unit.  It was wonderful.  Very well organized, and SOOOO much for the kids to do.  There was just the right amount of talking and doing for our class.” –Ms. Yvonne M. Lighthouse Community Charter School
By our best estimate, Acta Non Verba has hosted over 1,000 residents at the farm and made direct contact with over 2,500 people in and around Oakland regarding our work!

So, please consider making a 100% tax deductible donation to Acta Non Verba! A donation of any size helps ensure we keep the ACTion in Acta Non Verba!

Thank YOU and wishing you a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!

Kelly D. Carlisle Founder/ Executive Director

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Growing Community from The Ground Up!